Workflow to expose ACF fields via WordPress REST API. Workflow to expose ACF fields via WordPress REST API.

How Can I Display All ACF Fields in WordPress REST API for Pages and Custom Post Types?

Adding ACF Fields to WordPress API

Hello there! Today, I’m going to chat through an exciting topic with you – adding Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) to your WordPress API. If you’re new to WordPress, don’t worry! We’ll break everything down step by step.

What is the WordPress API and ACF?

First things first, let’s talk about what we’re dealing with. The WordPress API (Application Programming Interface) is a way for your WordPress site to communicate with other software applications. This is especially useful when you want to share your site’s content and features with other websites or mobile apps.

ACF or Advanced Custom Fields is a WordPress plugin that gives you more control over your WordPress content. With ACF, you can create custom fields for your posts, pages, or custom post types, allowing you to add and present your content more flexibly.

Adding ACF data to your WordPress API

Sometimes, you may need to add your ACF custom fields to your WordPress API. This is where this helpful bit of coding comes in. Go to your theme’s functions.php file — which acts like your theme’s plugin file, affecting the functionality of your site.

Here’s a function to add. What this function does is register your ACF fields to the WordPress API. The ACF data will then be available in the json response with the key ‘acf’.

function acf_to_rest_api($response, $post, $request) {
if (function_exists(‘get_fields’) && isset($post->id)) {
$response->data[‘acf’] = get_fields($post->id);
return $response;
add_filter(‘rest_prepare_post’, ‘acf_to_rest_api’, 10, 3);

Add this code snippet to your functions.php file. What’s happening here?

Firstly, we are defining a custom function acf_to_rest_api that will add our ACF fields to the WordPress REST API.

This function takes three parameters – response, post, and request.

The function checks if the WordPress function get_fields() exists and if a post ID is set. The get_fields() function is an inbuilt ACF function that retrieves the ACF custom field data for a specific post.

If the get_fields function exists and a post ID is set, the function then adds the ACF custom field data to the REST API response under the key acf.

Then it returns the response.

Lastly, the add_filter function is used to attach our acf_to_rest_api function to the ‘restpreparepost’ filter hook, which allows us to modify the data right before it is sent back as a response from the REST API.

That’s it! You’ve now integrated your ACF fields into your WordPress API. Pretty straightforward, right?

Do keep experimenting and learning as that’s how you become better at WordPress. Remember, if you get stuck, always feel free to ask for help. Happy WordPressing!